Heckle and Jeckle are postwar animated cartoon characters created by Paul Terry, originally produced at his own Terrytoons animation studio and released through 20th Century Fox. The characters are a pair of identical anthropomorphic magpies who calmly outwit their foes in the manner of Bugs Bunny, while maintaining an aggressively mischievous streak reminiscent of the early Woody Woodpecker or Screwy Squirrel. Unlike Bugs Bunny, their comic aggression is often unprovoked, and in a number (perhaps most) of their cartoons (Moose on the Loose, Free Enterprise, The Power of Thought, Hula Hula Land) their foes win in the end.\r
According to Leonard Maltins Of Mice and Magic: A History of American Animated Cartoons (1980) and Don Marksteins Toonopedia, Paul Terry considered the Heckle and Jeckle series the best cartoons his studio ever made.\r
Heckle & Jeckle try to sneak into the opera to see The Barber Of Seville. Their efforts are thwarted by the opera houses head of security, Spike.