The one who believes Nabee and Wali are human being and God’s creation even then go to them for reference, help and presents them offerings despite being Muslim is equal to Abu Jahal in Kufr. Reference Book “Taqwiyatul leemaan,” page 7 & 27.
Allamah Maulana Kaukab Noorani:
This book “Taqwiyatul leemaan,,” by Ismail Dehlvi is again under consideration. In this book he clearly explains that Allaah Almighty has not given powers to anyone to involve in the affairs of universe, here by word “Tasaraf” he means to change or affect someone spiritually.
Leaving it aside I answer to it shortly. I have the book “Aap beeti” in two volumes. It is an autobiography of a Muhammad Zakria Hayat written by him. He was the leader of Tableeghi Jamaa’at and the book is published by Maktaba Shaeikh Zakria, Mufti street Saharanpur. See it’s inside title page, this is its first volume and it contains a full chapter with the name of “Tasarufaat.” If there are no tasarufaat.” then why did he write a full chapter on this topic? This is not the only example, look at this book “Tazkratul Rasheed” by Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi whom they call “Mutaa ul Qul” and “Mutaa ul Aalim” means he is the leader of all. This is the inside title see it, even in this they have written a complete chapter on Tasarufaat.” if tasarfat are not authorized then why they have given these topics. See here is a complete chapter on Tasarufaat.” with the name of Tazkiyaa o Taasarfat and there they have written that no one is authorized for Tasarufaat.”, then see there is a heading of “Incidents of Tasarufaat.”.”
How long we explain the inner Tasarufaat.” of Imaam e Rabbani.
It is mentioned everywhere in this book that he provides comforts for hardships and provide needs. It is fact that that there is no one to solve your problems and cater needs except Allaah Almighty and they say that he provides relief in all troubles and cater all needs. Just imagine he is called Mushkil Kushaa and Hajit Rawa. Moreover he writes that what Tasarufaat.” of Hazrat did after Baie’t [oath] are beyond expression.
God has not empowered anyone with Tasarufaat.” in this world and I have shown you that they have mentioned the Tasarufaat.” of Deobandi Scholars all over. They write clearly that if anyone asks for help from any human being and present him offerings then he is equivalent with Abu Jahal in Kufr. Means if anyone present offering in the name of Ghaus e Paak and Khawaja Ghareeb Nawaz even then he is like Abu Jahal in Kufr. Just ponder that this person has presented all the Muslims like Kafir. You can see the words yourself that he is equal to Abu Jahal in Kufr, presenting offerings and making them a reference… If what he has said is right then why Allaah Al Kareem has created Auliyaa’s and Ambiyas. You can see these words. Why Allaah Almighty has asked to seek some resource in the Qur’aan e Pak. In Qur’aan all over is written about the Shafaa’at of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) and here it is written that no human being can be a reference for Shafaa’at. He opines that to believe that Ambiya and Auliyaa are not like God but human beings created by Allaah Almighty and Allaah Al Kareem has given them the right of Shafaa’at is not Kufr. He has not given any difference between Kaafir and Muslims. What can be said to the person who believes this? He has not given any difference between Kaafir and believers…. Even has repeated this time and again throughout the book and in the two pages 7 & 27 that I previously referred:
‘The one who considers anyone able of Tasaruf or even considers him his wakeel, it is only Shirk no matter doesn’t take him like Allaah Almighty.’
Then all the Tsarufaat.” have been proved should be admitted as shirk because they accept the Tasaruf of their Ulaama’s but don’t accept the Tsarufaat of Ambiya. According to their Ulaama they are not Muslims. The thing I want to explain is their double standard, one for themselves and the other for belief and practices. I have shown you complete reference in this book.
Yes… Here we have a full chapter on Tasarufaat in this book. H