My name is Steve McGarvie a participant in MMM Global I was given Assistance of $2090 within a couple of HOURS of asking for it, which is amazing on the 1st Feb 2016! Many Thanks. Once again I would just like to say a massive thank you, I live in Gateshead England and I have been given help to the tune of US$3160 I put in my request on 7 February 2016 and paid out in full on 9 February. Again many thanks! so that’s $5250 in 9 days Finally, 14th Feb 2016 I have been given $3590 so now up to $8840 in 14 days! Wow Amazing!
I would just like to say that MMM global is the best online opportunity out there. The community spirit is amazing with all of the participants helping each other financially. This community certainly is a one-off