New Delhi, May 01 (ANI): Bengali bombshell Bipasha Basu finally got hitched with her actor boyfriend Karan Singh Grover in Mumbai. Bollywood A-listers stormed the venue to shower their blessings which included the Bachchan Clan, Bollywood Badshah Shah Rukh Khan and Party's special guest-Salman Khan. Other A-listers included: Ranbir Kapoor, Sanjay Dutt, R.Madhvan, Riteish Deshmukh with wife Genelia D'Souza Deshmukh, Rohit Shetty, Sushmita Sen, Sonam Kapoor, Tabu, Kunal Roy Kapoor, Malaika Arora Khan. Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover's wedding after party was definitely one of the best attended Bollywood weddings in a long time.