▶ WATCH ALL MY PARODIES - http://goo.gl/wTuFI5 ▶ Snapchat - RealBartBaker
▶ FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM TO WIN THE TOOL BELT - http://instagram.com/bartbaker
▶ WATCH THE BLOOPERS - http://goo.gl/8r23YU ▶ FACEBOOK - http://www.facebook.com/BartBaker
▶ My 2nd Channel - http://www.youtube.com/Bart
▶ GET THE SONG - Coming Soon
▶ FOLLOW ME ON VINE - http://vine.co/BartBaker
▶ FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER - http://www.twitter.com/bartbaker
▶ SEE ALL MY PARODIES BEFORE ANYONE ELSE - https://www.vessel.com/bartbaker
▶ DOWNLOAD MY GREATEST HITS ALBUM HERE - http://bit.ly/BartHits2014 Also Available on Google Play - http://bit.ly/BartHits2014GP
▶ GET MY NEW FREE GAME - http://apple.co/1gAzqdx
▶ GET MERCHANDISE - http://bit.ly/BartMerch
▶ GET MY FREE iPHONE APP - http://bit.ly/BartApp
Get the original song on iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/us/music-video/work-from-home-feat.-ty-dolla/id1088108602
Watch the original video - https://youtu.be/5GL9JoH4Sws
All voices by Bart Baker & Emma Fitzpatrick -