1000 match-heads EGG BOMB! DIY firecracker - homemade fireworks - match bomb - PyroGirl

PyroGirl 2016-05-15

Views 11

I stuffed about 1000 MATCH HEADS into an empty eggshell, stuck in a fuse, sealed the holes and blew it up. Why? Because an egg match bomb had to be made. ;D As you will see in the video it was quite explosive, without even needing so many matches. Seems as though 40 - 50% of the matches were not affected by the chain reaction prior to the explosion and were blown out unscathed.

Lucky them, except I rounded them up into a heap later and burned them too... TRAITORS! ;D

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Warning: Please don't do this at home as it can be extremely dangerous. The match-heads are burning when they fly out and can shoot towards you or set things alight nearby. I repeat, DO NOT try this yourself!

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