Four teenagers summon an inexplicable and deadly evil...
Legend has it that any mirror may become a portal into the world of the dead. It is said the Queen of Spades gets her energy from reflective objects and anyone who sees her will go insane or die. When four teenagers summon the Queen as a joke, one of them dies suddenly and the group realizes they have conjured up an inexplicable and deadly evil.
QUEEN OF SPADES Trailer (Horror - 2016)
A Movie directed by Svyatoslav Podgaevskiy
Cast : Alina Babak, Valeriya Dmitrieva, Igor Khripunov, Evgeniya Loza, Sergey Pokhjodaev, Valentin Sadiki, Vladimir Seleznyov
Release Date : In Theatres June 10th, 2016
Genre : Horror, Thriller
QUEEN OF SPADES Trailer (Horror - 2016)
© 2016 - Level 33 Entertainment