Amitabh Bachchan Will Get A Pension Of Rs 50,000 For Life From The U.P Government
Amitabh Bachchan, wife Jaya and son Abhishek will get Rs50,000 each every month for the rest of their lives from the Uttar Pradesh government when the Samajwadi Party is in power there. The state cabinet on Tuesday decided to give these ‘pensions’ to all recipients of the Yash Bharti Samman, the state’s highest honour, and all three actors have won the award. This award is discontinued when the Samajwadi Party is not in power. The 50,000 pension is amongst the highest in the country. The pension scheme for Yash Bharti recipients has also emerged as the most lucrative pension scheme in the country. Well, Bachchans are already living a luxurious life and don’t require money any from the government to fulfill their needs. To know more Bollywood news, tune into our channel.
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