Surveillance video in connection with a Chicago police officer's fatally shooting 17-year-old Cedrick Chatman was released today by attorneys for the teen's family.
A federal judge ordered the release of footage showing the 2013 shooting today after the city withdrew its objection to its being made public.
Chicago police officer Kevin Fry fatally shot Chatman Jan. 7, 2013, in broad daylight during a foot chase, according to court records.
Chatman’s family had fought for the video to be released as part of a wrongful death lawsuit they filed over the shooting against the city, Fry and Chicago police officer Lou Toth, who pursued Chatman along with Fry during the foot chase.
Family members have argued the video will counter the city and police’s narrative that the 17-year-old was a danger to police.
Video in Chicago Police Killing of Black Teen Released
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