I had uploaded this video on the 23rd but somehow managed to procrastinate enough so that I would finalize it on the 28th. Sadly my trip to Mexico is coming to a close, it has been quite fun. For the most part all of the interesting stuff has been done.
Currently doing this video with two of my Cousins, which is quite fun. I took a short vacation from my vacation to go and visit some family in Toluca, I will dearly miss them now that I am back in the city.
The videos which address the fun stuff done here in this lovely country will be added as soon as I get proper editing equipment.
It took 18 hours to render this video. dammit. WITH HORRID AUDIO! ARGHHHHHHHH!
That is all, you may leave now. Hah!
If you would be ever so kind as to leave your feedback I would be grateful. May the force be with you :)
[email protected]Google+: +Entity Zero
Web: byinfinitech.com
Kik: 3ntityzer0
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/3ntityzer0/
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