Bhopal, July 09 (ANI): Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Saturday took a tour of the flood -affected areas in Madhya Pradesh's capital city Bhopal. He said that the situation looks bad but the things are being managed well by his council of ministers and officials. He also assured assistance and relief to the flood-affected people of the state. Many villages have been cut off from the rest of the state as the heavy downpour resulted in submergence of various roads. During the relief and rescue operation, the authorities have evacuated thousands of people in Sagar, Rewa, Satna and Katni, to a safer ground. More than 800 people from Satna's Kripalpur and Madhavgadh areas are at a shelter camp in a nearby school. With flood-like situations prevailing in most of the areas, incessant rains have increased the troubles of locals here.