Ryan Holiday warned you!
Drop by #burgersandfries on Rizon IRC, or http://ddm.moe on Teamspeak if you want to chat.
Univision Agrees To Buy Gawker Assets For $135 Million: https://archive.is/TKIEy
Hulk Hogan jurors to learn Gawker, Nick Denton are worth $200M: https://archive.is/5cVoN
Gawker Media Network Traffic and Demographic Statistics by Quantcast: https://archive.is/OU5wS
"According to the filling obtained by Politico, Denton personally owes Hogan – real name Terry Gene Bollea – $10 million, and jointly liable for $115 million." https://archive.is/5FTJS#selection-1267.0-1271.113
(Big thanks to TheBaconFromHell for the tip! https://www.youtube.com/c/thebaconfromhell )
Script and video editing by @Azu_Rayn
Art credits:
QuQu art by @PantyGremlin: https://inkbunny.net/GrassGremlin
Music credit:
OC ReMix #188: Super Mario RPG 'Bukki's Tango' [Welcome to Booster Tower] by McVaffe: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00188/
Why didn't you listen?! You could've stopped this!