The English deep state sees the PKK-YPG as the army of the antichrist that will destroy the Islamic community

A9 TV 2016-08-30

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BÜLENT SEZGİN: Mr. Oktar, the images of the joint operation of the American soldiers with the YPG are published. We can see some photos of the operation.

ADNAN OKTAR: Let me see.

BÜLENT SEZGİN: The images are interpreted as, "It is quiet obvious why the US does not call the YPG as terrorists."

ADNAN OKTAR: They are intertwined with each other. They are accustomed to murder. They go and get whatever they need through robbery and extortion. They are indeed reckless; and the US and England send every vile, murderous, immoral, dishonorable, lumpen people here. And they commit all kinds of villainy there. They have become a thorn in Islamic community's side. They recruit all the vicious, bloodthirsty, perverted psychopaths of the world. The deep state believes that little by little they will destroy the Islamic community through these scums of the earth.  They supposedly formed an army of the antichrist in their own way. They seek to annihilate the Iraqi people, Syrians and cause trouble to Syria and Iraq. They have become a thorn in Turkey's side as well. The US undertook a despicable venture. Cooperating with or urging others to cooperate with homosexuals is a grave error, a terrible mistake and a great atrocity. They should mend their ways immediately. They should abandon their ill-guided practices as soon as possible.

KARTAL GÖKTAN: Mr. Oktar, Cemil Bayık made some statements in this regard in his interview with BBC. BBC released the news under the title "The PKK warns Turkey of long fight for freedom." In his interview with BBC, Cemil Bayık said that they are directly in touch with the USA and England, and that they will wage a long and fierce fight against Turkey. Saying that "The US and England are directly in touch with the guerrilla," Cemil Bayık accused Ankara of trying to have the Kurds bend their knees and claimed that they do not seek to separate Turkey. He added that the organization is open to negotiations.

ADNAN OKTAR: If they do not seek secession, then what are they after? What is the point of deception? They are being blatantly deceptive. Their only aim is separation. Why do they fight if not for separation? What is the reason of this bloodshed? They are definitely after the separation of Turkey. And he also openly admits to the US and England supporting them. But what is pivotal is the English deep state. After my statements, he felt the need to spill the beans. He would not say anything about this before. They would not admit to the fact that the US and England have been behind this. Once I exposed the truth, the floodgates were opened and they began to talk.

KARTAL GÖKTAN: Presidential spokesperson İbrahim Kalın criticized BBC for doing an interview with Cemil Bayık. "Having an interview with Cemil Bayık is nothing but a terrorist propaganda," he said. He continues, "What would the reaction of England would be if another news agency had an interview with al-Qaeda, the perpetrators of the subway bombing in England?"

ADNAN OKTAR:  The English deep state sees the PKK-YPG as the army of the antichrist that will destroy the Islamic community and they consider Cemil Bayık and the likes as vicious commanders of the antichrist. Thus, they continue to shamelessly support these terrorist organizations. One should have a sense of shame. But what they truly are is quite obvious. Merely criticizing them is not enough; they should be made widely known across the world. The people should be told of their deeds. The people sometimes cannot pay proper attention to these things unless they are emphasized. So we should lay great emphasis on this subject.
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