A trailer to the sequel of a health project "Learning About Drugs: The Hard Way"
From Director John Flynn (Drugs Are Bad Part 3: Hallucinogens) comes the sequel to the wildly popular movie "Learning About Drugs: The Hard Way", originally directed by Chirs Akins and John Hannigan. The movie begins as FBI Agent Philp Seymour Hoffman (John Flynn) goes to OCR (OH SEE AAAHH) to find out about this drug that causes people to turn "freaky". He asks two druggies (Vinny Murro & John Hannigan) about them as they lead him to a drug dealer Phil Noto (Jason O' Connor). But when he is questioning him, they hear a scream was. They come to a very disturbed drug user going by the name "The Lawd" (Vinny Murro). As Philip Seymour Hoffman tries to control him, Phil Noto is killed by a drugged up Zombie! Now the chase is on as Philip Seymour Hoffman and The Lawd go chase him and un-cover the truth behind this strange drug that turns its users into zombies!
Directed By John Flynn
Produced By Captain Planet
Written By John Flynn
Story By Vinny Murro & John Flynn
Starring John Flynn
Vinny Murro
Chris Akins
John Hannigan
Jason O' Connor
& David MacCrumplecup
Camerawork By Jason O' Connor
Edited By John Flynn
Released Under Naughty Pictures