"Yeah I know that..." vs "How good I am at it...?" https://youtu.be/idKl7aZLHTw?t=2m57s
Steps to practice what you need vs Randomity playing
Skype lessons for all levels http://www.rdiaz.org/NEWrdiaz-teaching.html#skype-lessons
Not just any practice works... https://youtu.be/b3OXT0S6xWA?t=1m14s
How much can be learned from just watching videos...?
Just need 2 things to learn https://youtu.be/1As8_P1JyF8?t=14s
^Ex.1/ 00:01 solo 1
Ex.2/ 01:08 solo 2
Ex.3/ 02:13 topic
How often is perfection getting in the way of “good enough” in your practice... ?
Small Changes = Big Difference (1)