www.negacom.ffivideo.com www.negacom.myffi.biz What is an MPG-CAP™?
A. MPG-CAP™ is a 100% organic engine conditioner that simultaneously improves fuel economy and power by creating a micro-thin coating on the combustion chamber in your engine allowing your fuel to burn more efficiently.
Q: Has MPG-CAP™ been effectively tested?
A: Yes, MPG-CAP™ has been tested in both laboratory and road tests with significant results in effective performance. Fuel Freedom International guarantees a 7-14% improvement in fuel economy. If you drive with a heavy foot, you will notice an increase in performance, but not a high increase in mileage.
Q. Why should I use MPG-CAPS™?
A. MPG-CAPS™ increase the overall vehicle performance, including increase in fuel efficiency in miles per gallon, decrease in engine wear and tear, decrease in harmful emissions, and a reduce engine operating temperatures.