“In Return” is an intense drama with abundant action and adventure. You can instantly watch this movie on Amazon. This film is directed by Alfred Smith Cox, a former army combat soldier who launched his independent film company, " Ginomai Films Limited ".
The movie takes place in Spring Hill, Florida. John Pier, a military veteran and his wife Melissa move to Spring Hill to start a new life. They think they moved to a small town. They had no idea that they relocated to a mob infested area. John stops two criminals from harassing a father and daughter while walking home. This act of bravery endangers John and his wife.
“We want to audience to grasp the raw intensity of the film,” explained Executive Producer, Willie L Stewart. “While you are watching, you will feel as if you are right in it.” Stewart is a best-selling author in the thriller genre on Amazon amongst his amazing resume of accomplishments that can be viewed in his author bio.
“In Return” has been officially selected for the Miami independent film festival, Semi-finalist Los Angeles Cinefest, Direct Short Online Film Festival, and the Tampa Bay Underground Film Festival.
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