Human Mobile Stage 111D (2碟2膊醒獅表演111D) Chung Oi Chau Biu Martial Art Sports Association in White T-Shirts and White Trousers with Red Characters (our Association) was attended Ceremony of 15th Anniversary of Chau Lung Tomb. Place: Xin Wui, GaungDong, China. Time: In the morning of 20th November 2016.
2碟2膊醒獅表演111D(Human Mobile Stage 111D) 中外周彪國術體育会,穿白色T恤白色褲紅字,參加15週年周龍墓紀念典禮,地點:中國廣東新會. 時間: 2016年11月20日早上.
Video Information 影片資料:
MC of Ceremony 大會司儀:
(1) Sifu Cheng Shum Wan in Dark Blue T-shirt with hat 鄭沈雲師傅,穿深藍色T恤戴深色帽.
(2) Sifu Law Cheuk in Dark Blue T-shirt 羅卓師傅, 穿深藍色T恤.
(3) Sifu Ho Wah Cheung in White T-shirt and Black Trouser with Yellow Stripes (Vice Chairman of our Association) 何華祥師傅, 穿白色T恤黑色有黃色間條褲 (本会副主席).
Other Chau Ka Kung details Please refer to Human Mobile Stage Part 1. (关于中外周家详细资料请看 Human Mobile Stage Part 1.)