Sujoy Ghosh, director of Kahaani is all set to venture into his upcoming film Durga Rani Singh. It all started with rumours about Vidya Balan taking a pregnancy break which made the space for this leading role. And then we saw the green signals on Kangana Ranaut getting the opportunity to step into Vidya's shoes. Kangana Ranaut is known for her experimentation and love for the unconventional roles. With the success of Queen, she is getting a lot of attention from the film fraternity. She has been lately doing several heroine centric movies with the likes of Rajjo, Queen, Revolver Rani. So Sujoy Ghosh's next movie Durga Rani Singh is yet another challenging project for Kangana Ranaut.
The young actress will be playing a role that of a 35-year old mother to a 14-year old girl. She is known for her young bubbly and lively portrayals of roles till now. This would be her first film in which we would get to see her other side a more matured look. With the help of makeup and prosthetics she will transform herself into ageing herself to a 35 year old mother. Other actors who have used prosthetics in earlier films are Amitabh Bachchan in Paa, Kamal Hassan in Chachi 420,Priyanka Chopra in 7 Khoon Maaf.
But for Kangana this is the first film role which required her to don a more aging look. "I'm 26 and I'm playing a 35-year-old mom to a 14-year-old paralytic girl. It's a very challenging role as I have never played a mother on screen," said Kangana.
The role, she adds, requires a lot of research. "I will have to work on my body language to get the character right. I will also have to go through aging and use prosthetics.I have to get the psychology of the mother of a paralytic daughter right."
This will be another anticipated film to look out for the fans of Kangana. Kangana Ranaut to play mother in Sujoy Ghosh's next