Ever since former foes Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan buried the hatchet, the two stars have been going out of their ways to display affection towards each other. The King Khan had broken the first poster of Salman’s last film ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’, while the latter had tweeted about Khan’s upcoming film ‘Raees’.
Now, it seems that SRK has decided to support Salman’s upcoming production venture ‘Hero’ too. Taking to Twitter, Shah Rukh Khan wrote, “My love & best wishes to @theathiyashetty & @soorajpancholi9 for their upcoming release. Hero. Am sure u will make ur dads proud.”
Directed by Nikhil Advani, ‘Hero’ is the remake of Subhash Ghai’s 1983 film starring Jackie Shroff and Meenakshi Seshadri.