Rock a bye baby Nursery rhyme- 3D Animation English Nursery rhymes song for children with lyrics\r
Rock-a-bye, baby, In the tree top\r
When the wind blows, The cradle will rock;\r
When the bough breaks, The cradle will fall;\r
Down will come baby, Cradle and all.\r
Rock a bye, baby,\r
In the tree top\r
When the wind blows,\r
The cradle will rock;\r
When the bough breaks,\r
The cradle will fall;\r
Down will come baby,\r
Cradle and all.\r
Here comes the popular hd nursery rhyme songs Rock A Bye Baby.To watch all our popular nursery rhymes or more great videos for children be sure to subscribe! \r
These education 3d English Nursery Rhyme video songs is for those preschool children to watch and learn the creative things and develop the kids brain to gain knowledge through these 3d English Nursery Rhyme which in turn benefit the children in future. Follow Us or Stay tuned for more new updates