Megastar Amitabh Bachchan, who has lent his baritone voice to many a song, says that he is just a bathroom singer. Big B has crooned a song titled Piddly for R. Balki's upcoming film Shamitabh and the veteran actor says that all the credit for the song's success goes to its composer Ilaiyaraaja. Bachchan Senior can be seen sitting on a toilet seat, inside the loo in the song's video and at the film's trailer launch, talking about Piddly, the actor said, ''When people are in such situations, like you have seen me in the song's promo, when they are sitting on the toilet seat or taking a shower they automatically start singing. I'm also a bathroom singer and have never been able to come out of that zone. I still don't know how Balki came to know about this habit of mine but he made me sit over that pot and asked me to sing my heart out.'' ''I'm not a trained singer and sometimes people like Balki ask me to croon. This song has a maestro like Ilaiyaraaja behind it and to sing a song composed by him is a great honour for me but I didn't have the courage to sing it in front of him and if people are liking this song then all credit goes to Ilaiyaraaja.'' Big B will share screen space with Dhanush and Akshara Haasan in the movie.