Anil Kapoor's daughter Sonam Kapoor will be next seen in Yash Raj Films' Bewakoofiyaan and there is something about the movie that is embarrassing the jhakass actor. The trailer of the film shows Sonam getting her boyfriend (Ayushmann Khurrana) home and her on-screen father, Rishi Kapoor's stern reaction to it. And now, Anil has started getting embarrassed, with people around him constantly teasing him by asking what would be his reaction, if his daughter gets a guy home. Mr. India however, says, "I don't mind (if Sonam gets her boyfriend home) as long as she loves him." Anil Kapoor, who has three kids- Sonam, Rhea Kapoor and Harshvardhan Kapoor, with his wife Sunita Kapoor, is known to be very protective about his kids.
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