Actress Sameera Reddy, who has acted in films like 'Tezz', 'Maine Dil Tujhko Diya', 'Race' and 'No Entry' to name a few, tied the knot with Mumbai-based businessman Akshai Varde on Tuesday. The wedding was conducted in traditional Maharashtrian style and the groom, who is the co-owner of Vardenchi Motorcycles, arrived at the venue on his customised bike. Sameera draped a Neeta Lulla sari for her big day. Sameera started dating Akshai two and a half years ago and in December the two got betrothed. While earlier their wedding was slated to happen in April 2014, about ten days ago they pre-poned the wedding date. We at MovieTalkies wish the newly-wed couple a happy married life.
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