Fans of Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone, who were waiting to see their sizzling chemistry on the silver screens in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's 'Ram Leela', can now finally get to have a glimpse at Bhansali's rustic romance. The trailer of 'Ram Leela' was unveiled and we must say that Singh and Padukone look quite gorgeous in it. If Singh will make women go weak in their knees with his chiseled body and rakish charms, Padukone will make men sigh with desire with her looks and persona, which she had described as a 'wild flower' in one of her interviews. The film also stars Abhimanyu Singh and Gulshan Devaiah, who plays the antagonist. Like all Bhansali films, 'Ram Leela' too is colourful and vibrant and the trailer successfully captures the beauty of rural Rajasthan. 'Ram Leela', which is based on William Shakespeare's tragic love story 'Romeo And Juliet', is slated to release on November 15.
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