How to insert waver into a wlan | Waver | Rossmont

Rossmont 2017-01-30

Views 63

To include Waver in your existing home Lan network the operation is in 3 simple steps and you have to save ONLY at the end of all operations (otherwise you will have to reset Waver by tapping touch button for 20sec):

1- Click on CONFIGURATION menu - Network settings - in the Ip address substitute the 9 (this number is called CLASS ID) with the same number of your home router/modem (usually it's 0 or 1 ).
2- Click on WiFi settings and select INFRASTRUCTURE, then insert your home wifi SSID(the name of your home wireless network), the type of password protection(usually WPA) and the password of your home network.
3- Naw save
At this point the Waver will be restarted. You can now connect to your home network. Now the address of the Waver is exactly the one you have written when you have replaced the 9 in the first step. So, for example it's or

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