(Reuters) - Trump-branded consumer products have suffered new blows, with U. S. retailers Sears Holdings Corp
and Kmart Corp discontinuing online sales of 31 Trump Home items, while new details emerged showing sales of Ivanka Trump’s brand fell in the weeks before Nordstrom Inc stopped carrying her products.
Sears and Kmart disclosed their decision on Saturday, even as the Wall Street Journal reported
that Nordstrom sales of Ivanka Trump’s brand had dropped sharply before the retailer discontinued sales this week.
Citing internal Nordstrom data, the Journal reported sales of Ivanka Trump-branded clothing
and shoes had dropped more than 70 percent in the second, third and fourth week of October compared with the same weeks the previous year.
Neil Stern, a retail consultant for McMillan Doolittle, said Nordstrom may have felt insulated given
its stores tend to be located in cities and affluent suburbs, which tend to tack Democratic.
Earlier in the week, a congressional committee said it was seeking a review into whether senior White House adviser
Kellyanne Conway had violated ethics rules by using her position to promote Ivanka Trump’s product lines