Interview with Laetitia Blanc (CEFE UMR 5175, CNRS - Université de Montpellier)
IENE 2016 conference (Lyon,France)
Habitat destruction and fragmentation are important threats to large carnivores as they are wide-ranging species and live in human-dominated landscapes. The road network is getting denser and acts as a barrier for these species as well as it increases the risk of collisions with vehicles. The creation of corridors is often advocated in these situations as a way to restore connectivity. Because of increasing conflicts with humans, large carnivores are also particularly vulnerable to poaching resulting in small and isolated populations. Reintroductions are often used as a reinforcement strategy in such situations. Here we compared these two conservation strategies, reintroduction and corridor settlement, in order to determine the optimal solution to halt the decline of the Eurasian lynx population in the Vosges Mountains (France)