India bowled out Australia at 276 on the third day of the Bengaluru Test. The visitors now have the lead of 87 runs on India. Ravindra Jadeja clinched 6 wickets in the innings, from the total of 6 wickets, he took 3 in just 5 overs that he bowled. He is the least used bowler by skipper in this innings and he keeps the Indian hopes alive in this test match now. Ashwin also opened his account today by sending Mitchell Stac back to the pavilion in the morning today. So 8 out of 10 wickets were taken by the spinners though the pacers bowled brilliantly but they were out of luck for wickets. Now the India batters need to pull up their socks and come to the field. Everyone has to chip in, in order to keep this match open for them. They need everybody to bat like Australia did in their first innings.
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