Stop Bullying Campaign Ep. 10 KB & Melanie, Mr. Bittner assigns new lab partners to help KB and Melanie. - Cassandra continues to tease KB during class and gets spoke to by the teacher. Mel and KB are assigned to be lab partners and become friends.
Ep. 1:
Ep. 2:
Ep. 3:
Ep. 4:
Ep. 5:
Ep. 6:
Ep. 7:
Ep. 8:
Ep. 9:
Ep. 10:
Ep. 11:
Ep. 12:
Take the Quiz
Question 1: Why do you think Mr. Bittner decided to “mix up” the lab partners?
A) He does this every Monday so that students can get used to working with new partners.
Really? I think there’s another reason. Try again.
B) He wanted Melanie and KB to work together as lab partners.
Exactly. Why did he think that would be a good idea? Check out question #2.
C) He wanted to separate Bibi and Mimi.
That would have been a good reason, too. They’re impossible! But I don’t think that’s the main reason he did it. Try again.
Question 2: Why did Mr. Bittner think it would be a good idea to pair Melanie and KB as lab partners?
A) He saw that Melanie felt bad about her “D” and Cassandra’s insulting comment. Maybe he thought KB would help Melanie do better in class.
Right. I’ll bet he also thought they might become friends if they worked together. What is another good answer?
B) Earlier that day, he saw KB teased by the girls in the hallway and thought Melanie might be a friend to KB.
Right! What might be another good reason to put them together as lab partners?
C) He had no reason. It was just by chance that they were put together.
I don’t think so. Mr. Bittner seems to have had some good reasons. Try again.
Question 3: Why do you think Melanie goes back into the lab after class is over?
A) She forgot her book.
She did leave her book in the lab. Do you think she might have done that on purpose? What’s another good answer?
B) She wanted to get away from Cassandra.
Maybe. I sure would have wanted to get away from Cassandra…but I’m not sure this is the best answer.
C) She felt bad about leaving so quickly, without saying “bye” to KB.
I agree. I think she wanted to go back to talk with KB.
Question 4: Do you think Mr. Bittner’s plan to get Melanie and KB to become friends will work?
A) No way.
Really? Weren’t there a few good signs that KB and Mel might become friends? Stay tuned to find out.
B) Maybe.
I’m hopeful. We’ll have to see, won’t we?
C) Yes.
I think so, too. What makes you think so? Stay tuned to see if you’re right…
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