Ömer Döngeloglu konferansi, Danimarka 30.11 - 2012. Açılış Kuranı Kerim Tilaveti. Okuyan Hafiz Metin Demirtas. Ğaşiye suresi.
Şeyh Abdulbasit Abdussamed taklidi.
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Facebook.com (Metin Demirtaş EKA) yazıp bu adresimizdende, beni takip edebilirsiniz.
The recitation of the Holy Qur´ân by Hafiz Metin Demirtas in Denmark 30.th nov. 2012.
İmitation of the of the qari sheikh Abdelbaset Abdessamad.
Surah al Ghâşiyah
Social Media
Follow me at Youtube.com by writing "Metin Demirtaş Kuran"
And from facebook.com.
The target group for my homepage is mostly fans of listening of my tilawah Al- Qur'ân and my Adhans of Makkah and Madinah.
تقليد لشيخ عبدلباسط عبدالصمد، السورة الغاشية، بدنامرك،