Hey guys in this episode we leave where we last left off at the Koopa Fortress, except we forgot save and the restore point didn't save either so we had to back track! We then go meet up with Bombette again and agree to let her join our party! Now that we have Bombette in our party; she gives us the ability to blow up objects with cracks in them, letting us to explore areas we previously couldn't before! We then find a new badge in one of these secret areas! Using her ability and Kooper's we then can access the next floor of the Fortress! But we are then confronted by the Koopa Bros. who use Bullet Bill Canons to try and stop us! Also did i mention we level up a couple times along the way! What is this New Ability Bombette allows us to use? What puzzles await us in the Koopa Bros Fortress? We we be able to avoid the Bullet Bills? Find out all this and more on today's episode of Lets Play Paper Mario!
Hey guys if you want to check out Horseman and friends (Alex & Geoff's channel) then click this link https://www.youtube.com/user/21somel he has been in a lot of our videos and vice versa.
Click Here To Watch The Paper Mario Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv9Bg-J4JfgtLUKzuoqCHLJoS4eK0QXCQ
Check Out The Previous Episode Here! https://youtu.be/ESAz0WG4VIw
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