Virat Kohli tendered apology by Brad Hodge ahead of IPL 10. After questioning Virat Kohli’s ethics for not playing the crucial series decider against Australia to save himself for the upcoming IPL, the former Australian cricketer Brad Hodge has apologised to the Indian skipper for his remarks. Hodge, who will be joining the Gujarat Lions as their head coach, took to social media and said that he respects Kohli and meant no ‘ill intentions. As you can see in this video, he wrote in an apology letter, “As a professional sportsperson who has represented his country, I certainly understand what it means to step out on a cricket field donning your nation’s colours. It is the highest honour a sportsperson can ask for. Keeping that in mind, I take this opportunity to apologise to the people of India, cricket fans, the Indian national cricket team and particularly Virat Kohli for my previous comments.
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