President Trump’s recent air strike on Syria has some unlikely support--from Democrats and members of the former Obama administration.
President Trump’s recent air strike on Syria has some unlikely support--from Democrats and members of the former Obama administration.
In fact, Politico is reporting that former Secretary of State John Kerry was, according to an inside source, “‘absolutely supportive’ of Trump’s strike and ‘gratified to see that it happened quickly.’”
The person is also quoted as saying that Kerry “believes if executed correctly and clearly, [military action] can help reenergize the diplomatic channel.”
Meanwhile, Barry Pavel, who was a senior director on the U.S. National Security Council during Obama’s first term, told Fox News, that “In Syria, a major mistake was treating it like a humanitarian crisis, when it was a major national security crisis that has caused destabilization on our closest allies in Europe.”
And because aggressive countries like Syria knew that Obama was reluctant to use military force against them, Pavel says, “I think he left a more dangerous world.”
Meanwhile, the New York Times reports that Anne-Marie Slaughter, an Obama State Department director, tweeted after Trump’s Syria bombing, “Donald Trump has done the right thing on Syria. Finally!! After years of useless handwringing in the face of hideous atrocities.”
Obama is also being criticized for making a 2013 deal where Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad agreed to relinquish all chemical weapons when the recent gas attack in his country makes it apparent that he did not.
Obama’s ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul, told the Times, “For me, this tragedy underscores the dangers of trying to do deals with dictators without a comprehensive, invasive and permanent inspection regime.”
However, former deputy secretary of state Antony J. Blinken defended the move, saying, “Imagine what Syria would look like without that deal.”