I know that everyone and their mother has done a parody with the Captain Planet theme song. Never the less, I wanted to create my own take on it. XD Instead of gender, I went by the characters' nationalities when making the pair ups. Featuring:
Uhura as Kwame
McCoy as Wheeler
Chekov as Linka
Sulu as Gi
Spock as Ma-Ti
and Kirk as Captain Planet
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CHEAP COMMISSIONS: http://jamiejupiter.thecomicseries.com/shopandcommissions/
DEVIANT ART: http://kartoon12.deviantart.com/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/user/ToonGal12?feature=mhee
TUMBLR: http://kartoon12.tumblr.com/
ASK JAMIE JUPITER BLOG: https://jamiejupiteraskblog.tumblr.com/
JAMIE JUPITER WIKIA PAGE: http://jamie-jupiter-webcomic-series.wikia.com/wiki/Jamie_Jupiter_webcomic_series_Wiki
MY AMAZON REVIEWS: http://www.amazon.com/gp/pdp/profile/A1CBWE1YZQ4VXG/ref=cm_cr_dp_pdp