With MS Dhoni around, Virat Kohli does not shy away from taking his advice. During the home series against England earlier this year, we saw how Kohli reached out to former India captain to seek his help. Now as Kohli prepares for his first ICC event as captain he once again turned to Dhoni. During the India vs. New Zealand ICC Champions Trophy 2017 warm-up match, Kohli was seen running up to Dhoni and discussing something with him. It seemed Kohli was looking for some inputs from the seasoned campaigner.
महेदर सिंह धोनी एक बार फिर विराट कोहली के लिए संकटमोचक बनते नज़र आये | पहले वार्मअप मैच में विराट कोहली को हर कदम पर धोनी सलाह देते नज़र आये |