President Trump’s Wednesday Twitter announcement that transgender individuals will be barred from military service earned him a New York Daily News cover.
President Trump’s Wednesday Twitter announcement that transgender individuals will be barred from military service earned him a New York Daily News cover.
The headline reads ‘Commander In Hate’ and shows Trump holding a rainbow flag, the symbol of LGBT pride.
The cover text also notes, “President Trump, who paid lip service to LGBT rights in his ‘16 campaign, abruptly banned all transgender people from armed forces…”
“After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military," Trump said in a series of tweets regarding the sudden policy change. "Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you.”
His statement came just weeks after the Pentagon said it would be giving the matter six months of consideration.