WSJ Columnist Calls Trump 'Whiny, Weepy,' Says Melania Is Tougher Than President

Geo Beats 2017-07-28

Views 35

Columnist Peggy Noonan has blasted President Trump in a Wall Street Journal piece, calling him "whiny, weepy" and "weak."

Columnist Peggy Noonan has blasted President Trump in a Wall Street Journal piece, calling him "whiny, weepy" and "weak."
Noonan says the president "undermines himself almost daily by ignoring traditional norms and forms of American masculinity."
"He’s not strong and self-controlled, not cool and tough, not low-key and determined; he’s whiny, weepy and self-pitying. He throws himself, sobbing, on the body politic," she continues. "His wife, Melania, is tougher than he is with her stoicism and grace, her self-discipline and desire to show the world respect by presenting herself with dignity."
As examples of his "weakness," Noonan refers to some of Trump's tweets.
The president has attacked Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Republican senators who have voted against the health care bill, and others in his recent tweets.
Trump said on Wednesday, "Senator @lisamurkowski of the Great State of Alaska really let the Republicans, and our country, down yesterday. Too bad!"
In his ongoing criticism of Sessions, the president tweeted Tuesday, "Attorney General Jeff Sessions has taken a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes (where are E-mails & DNC server) & Intel leakers!"
The day prior, Trump wrote, "Is Fake News Washington Post being used as a lobbyist weapon against Congress to keep Politicians from looking into Amazon no-tax monopoly?"
In her column, Noonan also points out to recent reports of the infighting among White House staffers as an example of chaos in the Trump administration.
She ends with a warning, "the whole world is watching, a world that contains predators. How could they not be seeing this weakness, confusion and chaos and thinking it’s a good time to cause some trouble?"

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