During the recent trip to Varanasi to promote new film Jab Harry Met Sejal, Shahrukh visited 70 yrs old 'Tambulam Paan Shop' with his co-star Anushka Sharma and Film director Imtiaz Ali and tasted the famous Banarasi paan. Now the shopkeeper Satish Kumar added a new paan to his menu and named it Banarasi Shahrukh Khan Paan. He informed that sale of the Shahrukh Khan special Banarasi paan has stepped up ever since the Bollywood Superstar grabbed a ‘paan’ from a famous shop in the ancient city. Watch here what he has to say about the paan and sale.
शाहरुख़ खान ने जब से बनारस का पान खाया है तब से दुकानदार सतीश ने शाहरुख़ खान स्पेशल पान अपने मेनू में शामिल कर लिया है और लोग उसे बहुत पसंद भी कर रहे हैं । देखिये क्या कहना है दुकानदार सतीश का