Broke and hungry as usual, the free-loading Felix the Cat gets tossed from a Tea Room. He steals the painted flap-jacks from a billboard poster but the also-painted Aunt Jamima gives chase. Losing ground, Felix makes a propeller out of an exclamation-point (serving as an idea sign) and attaches it to a board and flies west. Hitching a ride with a Pony Exress rider delivering grub to the Bar-Nothing boys, Felix eats up the food and is soon waging a gun-battle with the old cowhands from the Rio Grande. Escaping them he is ambushed by a band of hostile Indians and he rides an eastward-bound arrow back to wherever he started from and lands on the street in from of a tobacco shop. He then shoots up the wooden-Indian in front of the cigar store and is chased off by a policeman.