Farhad’s and Mike’s Week in Tech: New iPhones and Facebook Ads
Mike: It has everything: Two ex-Google employees decided to launch a start-up focused on providing the items you’d
normally find in a corner store — or bodega, as New Yorkers call them — but inside of a large, Ikea-like box.
I’m not sure I loved the headquarters — it’s very pretty
but in an imposing, slightly scary way — but everything about it sure does ooze Apple’s sensibility.
Farhad: Mike, every week we get one or two readers telling us they’re unsubscribing because they hate our mindless chit-chat.
It seems like a very nice phone — the screen looked great, unlocking through facial-recognition
seemed to work very well — but let’s wait till the reviews are out.
The iPhone X is genuinely different from iPhones that have come before — it has a new interface, a new kind of screen technology,
and it really does seem to mark a foundation for the future of these supercomputers.