Day 58: Today we’re going 4x4 offroading in Wanganui with Fun Offroad Adventures! It’s today’s activity for our 365 Days: 365 Activities Daily New Zealand Travel Vlog!
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It’s Day 58 of New Zealand’s Biggest Gap Year where we are tackling 365 Days: 365 Activities! Today we are joining Warrick from Fun Offroad Adventures for a, well, fun offroad adventure!
We are in Wanganui where we are going to explore the sand dunes and beaches of Wanganui on a 4x4 off roader. We hop into the Can-Em with Warrick from Fun Offroad Adventures and starting 4x4 offroading in Wanganui!
We head to South Beach in Wanganui which is made up of some awesome sand dunes to go 4x4 off roading on. After a quick stint through the pine forest, we then race down in a 4x4 off road down South Beach.
So what do you think of Fun Offroad Adventures? Is 4x4 offroading in Wanganui something you would add to your New Zealand bucket list?
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New Zealand Biggest Gap Year
365 Days: 365 Activities
This year, the team behind BackpackerGuide.NZ, New Zealand’s biggest online travel guide for budget and adventure travellers, are challenging themselves to 365 Days: 365 Activities in New Zealand! We call it New Zealand’s Biggest Gap Year! Join us in our daily travel vlog as we do some of the best activities in New Zealand and show you this top backpacking destination. We also release 360 videos and New Zealand travel tips every Sunday so be sure to subscribe!
Read more about 4x4 offroading in Wanganui on New Zealand’s biggest guide for backpackers: