Mattis Visit to DMZ Highlights the North Korean Threat to Seoul
Mr. Song said that the United States and South Korea would have to destroy the North Korean artillery "the moment the war starts." But even if the United States and South Korea were able to do so, American defense officials acknowledge
that North Korea would still have a significant retaliatory capability, including chemical, biological and nuclear weapons as well as conventional forces.
27, 2017
Standing side by side with Mr. Mattis atop an observation post to gaze at the North, South Korea’s defense minister, Song Young-moo, seemed at times
to be giving his American counterpart a guided tour of how a strike against North Korea’s nuclear facilities would quickly trigger retaliation.
On Thursday, the Trump administration imposed sanctions on 10 North Korean officials
and organizations, including one North Korean diplomat based in China who has been accused of forcing North Korean asylum seekers to return home.
But at the same time, both South Korea and the United States want Pyongyang to think
that Washington might launch a strike, in the hope that fears of such action might force North Korea to the bargaining table over its weapons programs.
and their human dignity," and said that Pyongyang’s "provocations continue to threaten regional and global security." As he spoke, patriotic North Korean music wafted through the air from speakers over the border.
that oppressive regime that shackles its people, denying their freedom, their welfare
But they cautioned that any American military strike against North Korea would come at a huge cost — one
that neither Washington or Seoul may be prepared to pay.