James Garner 1968 Christmas Seals PSA
[James Garner] Hello, I'm James Garner. Around our house, this is the time of year for mysterious packages hidden in closets or writers cramp from addressing all those envelopes or gift shopping and holiday parties. It's also the time to visit with family and old friends. One familiar friend in our home is Christmas Seals. They add just the right touch to our holiday gifts and mail. But there's, there's so much more to Christmas Seals. They fight for our good health all year 'round. Against the diseases that rob you of your breath - tuberculosis, emphysema, and others. Now they fight air pollution too. One more important thing - how much you give to Christmas Seals is your own decision. Made by you in the privacy of your home. So please join me in using lots of Christmas Seals this year and in answering your Christmas Seal letter quickly and generously. It's a matter of life and breath.