Kareena Kapoor Khan gave a very special gift to Sonam Kapoor as Sonam is not keeping well and is suffering from Bronchitis. The news in the media was taking rounds few while ago that all is not well on the sets of Veere Di Wedding as Kareena and Sonam are having cat fights. But with this special gesture of Kareena Kapoor Khan the rumours can be put to rest as she did something very special and caring for Sonam Kapoor. Veere Di Wedding which is Kareena Kapoor Khan's comeback film after she gave birth to Taimur, is directed by Shashanka Ghosh and is produced by Sonam's sister Rhea Kapoor and Ekta Kapoor. It is written by Mehul Suri and Nidhi Mehra, the movie will hit the screens in May 2018. Watch video to know more.