Dheem Tharikida Thom is a Malayalam comedy film released in 1986, it was directed by Priyadarshan, this film is about an innocent young man joining a ballet team just to express his love towards the main actress. Maniyan Pillai Raju and Lizy appeared in the leading roles, and were supported by Mukesh, Nedumudi Venu, Sreenivasan, Nedumudi Venu, Jagathi Sreekumar and Shankar. The story is adapted from British musical comedy film Happy Go Lovely.
The film was a big hit at the box office.
Cast ;
Lissy as Rohini
Maniyanpilla Raju as Shivasubrahmaniam
Jagathy Sreekumar as Shankaran Pillai
Nedumudi Venu as Keerikkad Chellappan Nair
Shankar as Suresh Menon
Kamala Kamesh