Air Travelers Resisting the ‘Incredible Shrinking Airline Seat’
While low-cost airlines like Spirit have narrowed the distance between rows of seats to as little as 28 inches, most
of the big American airlines have kept the distance — what’s known in the business as seat pitch — at 30 inches.
“The commercial side — primarily the people who run airline revenue departments — want more seats on planes,”
said Henry Harteveldt, co-founder of Atmosphere Research Group, an airline and travel industry analyst.
“While it’s only 28 inches in pitch, it actually feels like it’s about 30 inches,” he said.
“The good news is that pretty much every domestic flight you’re going to take
is going to be in a 737 or A320 — no way can you do four-three,” he said.
The group won a round in its court battle with the F. A.A.
in July, when a Federal District Court told the agency to address what it referred to as “the incredible shrinking airline seat.”
Paul Hudson, president of Flyers Rights, said the need for seat regulation is driven by safety concerns.