MISS CHAIN & THE BROKEN HEELS performs the song "LET US SHINE" for BalconyTV.
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"Let us shine" is an ode to the heart. We are not used to listen and give the chance to talk to our heart, as an organ but as a the voice of our soul too. When you are a kid, your heart is your best friend and you let him speak loudly and free. Slowly, as you grow up with help of the society, you build a cage around him and one day, when you'll need his help, you'll realize he was completely forgotten in the prison you gave him. You'll realize you don't even remember the language you need to know if you want to reach him.
We grow up with an education focused on the relation to authority but we should remember to educate ourselves to keep in contact with our heart so that we could understand him and get directly from him precious advices. Let him shine with us.
Miss Chain & e Broken Heels started as a solo/side project
of the young singer/guitarist Astrid Dante and really took o
aer Sonic Jett Records from Portland released the debut
single "Common Shell" in January 2008, co-produced with
italian label Rijapov Records.
During the following year the band, then become a proper live
band, release a two more singles:"Boys & girls", sold out in just
two months, for the japanese Dream On Records and "Lie"
published by Shake Your Ass Records, which already put on
the map other young and talented garage-bands like e Mojomatics,
Love Boat and e Rippers. at single allowed the
band to get a contract with the seminal Screaming Apple
Records, the world top-notch garage-power-pop label, a true
quality mark.
e german label released in 2010 their rst LP, "On a Bittersweet
Ride", which sold out the rst press in less than a year and
it's currently running a second press.
e album saw it's US release on Sonic Jett Records (on CD),
and on soon-to-be-legendary Los Angeles-based Burger
Records on cassette-tape.
In 2013 Miss Chain & e Broken Heels released another
single, "Rainbow" with japanese Dream On Records, a
preview of the next album "e Dawn", released on Austrian
label Bachelor Records and american Dusty Medical Records
on LP while italian label Tre Accordi Records put out the CD
version and Burger Records the cassette.
Miss Chain & e Broken Heels also released several tracks for
compilation for Burger Records, MTV Iggy, Ondarock,
Rockit and others.
Since its beginning, the band toured US three time (the last
one between september and october 2013 with a killer tour of
31 shows from California to New York and back), while they
keep on playing countless shows all across Europe: Italy,
Germany, Sweden, Norway, Spain, France, Switzerland,
Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Croatia, etc.).
Produced by: Arna Meccanica
Cinematographer and post-production: Luigi De Frenza
Recording & Mix: Geppo Cazzola & Fabio Cardullo
Special thanks to: Raffaella
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