Television's popular actor Ravi Dubey birthday celebration has been started. He turns 34 on 23rd december 2017. But before birthday his wife, Sargun Mehta threw a pre-birthday bash for Ravi on Thursday night (December 21). Celebs from the television industry attended the party. It was a sort of Khatron Ke Khiladi 8 reunion as his friends, Rithvik Dhanjani, Karan Wahi, Nia Sharma, Manveer Gujjar, Shantanu Maheshwari, Shiny Doshi, and others - Asha Negi, Raqesh Bapat, Ridhi Dogra, Karan V Grover, Shashank Vyas, Arjun Bijlani and many others attended this pre-birthday bash. Know more about Ravi's birthday bash in this video.