How to Be Happier, Safer, Healthier and Smarter in 2018
Since then we’ve published stories on biking to work safely
and figuring out your retirement savings; stories with tips on moving in with a partner, combating your anxiety, cleaning up after that holiday party; and much, much more.
If you’re looking for even more, check out our year-end wrap-ups: 9 Ways to Work Better; 6 Ways to Be Better
at Money; 9 Ways to Live Healthier; 8 Steps to Have a Better Relationship; and How to Do Things Better.
How to Make Kalpudding (Meatloaf With Caramelized Cabbage) This is a Swedish version of a dish with roots in the Ottoman Empire, an infidel’s version of Turkish dolmas, made not with lamb and grape leaves
but with ground pork and beef cloaked with deeply caramelized cabbage
Take this guided tour of your home to learn the basic rules of cleaning as well as some tips and short cuts
that will help you clean thoroughly and efficiently, starting now.